Sunday, August 18, 2013


N-ot selfish
T-houghtful towards others
W-ork Oriented

Well obviously, I am proud of being part of FRONTROW, why? because in this kind of work I visualize the better I am, maybe not now but someday in the future. Through FRONTROW I am looking forward that someday I can be one of the future leader

I learned to believe to the saying of the Chinese proverbs that " A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step" This saying encourage me to begin a single step to achieve my dreams and goals in my life. 

Let me share to all of you who are my inspirations in doing this business:

First, the youngest millionaire ever in FRONTROW is 

Ms. Lana Jayne Bogo.

"Yes Im a girl, I was young, i was 19... I didnt know anything about this opportunity.. I was challenged, intimidated and somehow frustrated cause i wanted to have what they have..... TRY... Thats what i did.. because of trying.. everything changed My life literally changed!!! Who would have thought that a girl and a 19 year old student could do it.. (Girl power!) If i can do it.. YOU CAN TOO!!! Believe, have faith, have that burning desire and what ever it takes, fight for it! NEVER GIVE UP AND FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAMS!!!"

And of course the boy next door, Mr. Mark Anthony Cruz.

Mr. Mark Anthony Cruz was just like any average Tondo boy who struggled his way to finish a bachelors degree on his own. He graduated after 7 years in nursing school not because he wasn't smart but because of financial instability. He worked while he goes to school. After he graduated and passed the 2007 board exam he immediately start working 2 jobs at the same time.

He worked hard as a Mcdonald's crew and a staff nurse in the E.R. Dept. of a certain hospital just to make both ends meet. After working for 3 years as a crew and a nurse he noticed that this was not enough. He had to find another way to earn money because what he was earning at that moment would not be enough to reach his goal for himself and his family. He took chances and explored the world of multi-level marketing. He used a "SYSTEM" that would make his dreams a reality. After using the SYSTEM for 7 years Mr. Mark Anthony Cruz's life changed and as we Filipino says "umikot ang gulong ng tadhana"

He believes that, "Naniniwala akong ang tao pwedeng walang pera...pero pag ang tao gustong magbago ang buhay madaming paraan..."

When I was a beginner, I didn't know what I am going to do, because this is my first time to work this kind of business but in the help of my Upline, I am able to work it hard and show to others that I can also do what they were doing and I also learned about that CHRISTIANITY is a form of NETWORK MARKETING, on how???

Well, Jesus Christ recruited those with a high need to change themselves. These people were not satisfied with their existing condition -tax collector, sinners and all. They had the highest motivation to change for the better. The need to change and the level of dissatisfaction with the present become powerful motivators to join and stay with a network.

Let me end this page with a speech of the well respected Nelson Mandela, the Former President of South Africa.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves;
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world. 
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking 
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do. 
We were born to make manifest 
The glory of God that is within us.

It,s not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, 
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 
As we're liberated from our own fear, 
Our presence automatically liberates others.

" I want to thank you for the time you have given me. 
For the lessons you have taught me. 
For holding my hands when I was afraid in the beginning. 
For staying beside me and telling me "It's all right, I am here."
For the patience you endured when I do not seem to learn fast enough and was unbearably negative, demanding and even unappreciative. 
For getting me out of my comfort zone every time I am in one. 
For encouraging me to be a role model for others by being my role model.
For helping me discover what I could do and what I could be.
Thank you my upline, my leader, my mentor my friend.
You are my shepherd.
Thank you for believing in me and most of all,
Thank you for helping me believe in myself."

"To build a good reputation, respected worldwide in the field of marketing. To use this reputation to teach, influence and empower others to be 'better than before, better than others and better than expected' "

-Josiah Go